Endeavour Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee and is registered in England and Wales. Company number: 08245853.

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A typical day in our school

We know that children thrive in a well-organised school therefore structure and routines are extremely important to us.

Each morning the school gates open at 08:40am and the official start of the school day is 08:45am when the first session of the days begins. The staff are ready to greet the children and you can ask them any questions. The morning is a very busy time as the children start work straight away with the teacher, so if you have a problem or need a longer chat, you should ask to see a member of staff at the end of the day. The gates are locked at 08:55am so please make sure your child is in class well before this.

Unless your child is in breakfast club, please bring your child into the classroom so that we know that they have arrived safely and so that you can share in their morning learning – this will normally be a core skill centred on reading, writing or maths. This is an important opportunity for you to work with your child and show him/her that you are interested in what they are doing at school. If your child attends breakfast club, they will not miss out as the class teacher or teaching partner will be there to support children in their learning.

Every day, in each classroom, the day finishes with a class story between 2:55pm and 3:15pm, in order to make sure this time is protected, the children will not get their coats and bags until after the bell has gone at the official end to the school day which is 3:15pm.

Once all children have their belongings the teacher will hand the children over to the adult collecting them. So that your child does not become anxious, we ask that you are on time to pick them up, if for any reason you know that you may be late please let the office know ASAP so that a message can be passed on.

 Any children who have not been picked up by 3:25pm will be taken to after school club and you will be charged for this session.

The teaching week at Charlton Wood Primary Academy consists of 32.5hours a week over the 5 days from 08:45am - 3:15pm each day.


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