Endeavour Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee and is registered in England and Wales. Company number: 08245853.

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An effective, strong partnership between families and school is pivotal to ensure that your child gets the most out of every minute in school. We want you to be involved at every step in your child’s learning from their induction into Reception, to leaving us in Year 6. To support this we offer:

  • Workshops throughout the year to help understand what and how your child is learning e.g. reading or calculation workshops.
  • Open door learning sessions where you can come and see how lessons are taught at our school where you can join in with your child whilst they are hard at work.
  • Regular newsletters and communications so that you are aware of what is happening at school.
  • Formal opportunities to discuss your child’s learning alongside a written report at the end of the year.

We want you to feel really confident that your child/ children are thriving each day in school therefore if any issues come to light or would like to know how your child is doing please see your child's class teacher to arrange a meeting for the end of the school day.