Endeavour Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee and is registered in England and Wales. Company number: 08245853.

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Attendance is a key factor in ensuring that children make friends form strong relationships with adults in school, furthermore, if children do not attend school they will not fulfil their potential because they will make slower progress in their learning. Our attendance target for every child is 97% but our aim is for even child to be in every day!

In-line with government guidance holidays cannot be authorised during term time. Absence during term time can only be authorised by the governors, in very exceptional circumstances. Families taking unauthorised holidays during term time will be referred to EWS who will, in most circumstances, issue a penalty notice. Very occasionally your child may not be well enough to attend school. Please telephone or email the school office by 09:15, to report your child’s absence or we will need to contact you to find out where they are and see if there is anything we can do to support you.

If your child has experienced vomiting or diarrhoea he/she must stay off school for 48 hours after the last episode. There are also strict medical guidelines about returning to school for other types of contagious diseases, e.g. chicken pox - please telephone the school office for advice.

If your child becomes unwell in school and needs to be collected, we will telephone you. We have a policy for medicine in school. Please ask in the school office if you need to know more information.

Please make medical/dental appointments out of school hours wherever possible. If your child does need to attend an appointment during school hours, please advise the school office in advance by the providing medical evidence.


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