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Preventing radicalisation

Working together to protect young people from radicalisation

Some of you may already know about the Prevent programme which aims to prevent young people from being radicalised by for example, far right extremists or religious extremists.

In school we have a duty of care for the children and take note of any child who is at risk of radicalisation, regardless of their background. We also have to take steps to help prevent children being exposed to extremist ideas. It is important that all children feel safe in school and that they are able to express tolerance towards all cultures and religions, even when personal views may be different.

Here, at Charlton Wood Primary Academy we approach this in a number of different ways. For example:

  • We give very high priority to building relationships with children. Staff members know the children well and are trained to note any subtle changes in behaviour or attitude. Our safeguarding procedures are under constant review.
  • We work hard to build our community and give all children a sense of belonging and responsibility.  We promote the importance of participation in society through a range of different events including charity events, school fairs and attending community events. Class assemblies and topic presentations help children to feel valued and respected. We organise regular performances so that all children make their contribution.
  • Our Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural curriculum (SMSC) provides opportunities for children to explore feelings and opinions in a safe environment. We use this curriculum to help challenge attitudes such as racism or discrimination against people with a disability. We also talk about the democratic process through our School Council. Representatives are elected through class council and children are supported to share ideas and views through this process.
  • Our e-safety teaching shows children how to stay safe on the internet and is regularly updated. We have worked with the Police to help parents better understand the dangers of unsupervised internet access.
  • Throughout the curriculum and in assemblies we focus on British values, especially the need for respect, and acceptance of people from different backgrounds. We promote a pride in being British. Through the curriculum we consider the impact of war and promote peaceful values through our history and RE topics. Through all our teaching we aim to challenge prejudice and discrimination but we also take every opportunity to celebrate our diversity.
  • We consider topical issues and address these in an age appropriate way. In assemblies this term we have looked at immigration and migration discussing the reasons why people move around the world.
  • We work closely with families to encourage participation in school life, through attendance and events and groups such as our Parents’ Group.  We support children and parents who are new to the country through ensuring every attempt is made to welcome them into our school community.
  • We work very closely with other agencies such as Social Care and the Police; if we felt a child was in danger of radicalisation, we would be able to act very quickly.
  • Finally we rely on parents to provide any relevant information about safeguarding. If you have any reason to worry that a child you know is in danger of being exposed to extremist views, then please tell us in confidence. If you don’t want to speak to a member of school staff then you can follow the flow chart above. Your call will be handled confidentially.

If you want to know more about the Prevent strategy then Mr Pitt, will be happy to speak to you; alternatively you can follow this link to read all about it.


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