Within TiLA, Teaching and Learning (Academies) Trust we believe that every child matters. We have an explicit duty to safeguard and protect children from abuse as defined in the Children Act (2004); the Education Act (2002 and 2011); DfE guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) and the 2021 statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe In Education (KCSIE 2021).
We keep everyone safe through our Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures; our PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education) curriculum; our online safety curriculum and through pastoral support.
At Charlton Wood Primary Academy our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Kooyman.
Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mr Gardner, Miss West and Miss Smith.
Our named governor for Safeguarding is Helen Robinson.
Please visit out policies page to view our Safeguarding Policy.