Endeavour Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee and is registered in England and Wales. Company number: 08245853.

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Vision and values

Our vision: Working together to grow confident, ambitious learners


At Charlton Wood Primary Academy we are extremely ambitious for our children and work relentlessly with our families to ensure that every child can achieve the very highest outcomes regardless of their starting point. In order to achieve this we work creatively to inspire our learners to make the most of every learning opportunity throughout the day.

Our values

 The school has four values which we expect everyone in our school community to uphold all of the time: Respect, Understanding, Perseverance and Pride. These values are part of the fabric of our school and help our children to grow and develop into confident ambitious learners who make the most of the opportunities given to them. Our school values help us to deliver our vision and are woven throughout every aspect of school life. They are the building blocks of our universal offer to all pupils and the language should be deliberately used to support children to understand the expectations around how we interact with one another.